
Seeing my clients transform

In my job I am very lucky, I get to watch clients go from: Feeling nothing to feeling excited to work with me in just two sessions. Constantly running away from people who can cause problems to facing them head on with her head held high. From feeling hopeless and...

Just keep moving

If you just keep moving, you are making progress. Fear is such a powerful emotion and often misinderstood, it’s powerful because it doesn’t always manifest the way we think it will. Sometimes it quietly stops us doing the things we want to do by making...

Fighting to find yourself

Worked with a very determined client today. She’s one who from the end of each coaching session looks for ways to use what we discuss into action. A lady who has every reason to feel depressed, every reason to give up and yet every week she fights to find...

Anxiety whispers in our fears

Not even anxiety can tell you what to to do if you choose to take control. You see, anxiety whispers in our fears… “it’s scary” “don’t go” “you could get hurt” “it’s too dangerous” “stay at...