Aug 26, 2019 | anxiety, coaching, Depression, mental health
Mental health advocates and US pod-casters, ‘A New Dawn’ aim to break the walls and barriers for people so they can unmask themselves. I feature in one of the episodes of the podcast, link below to listen in. I’m sharing how my personal journey of...
Aug 16, 2019 | choice, coaching, Motivation, self esteem
The things we tell ourselves, the correlation to our beliefs and the actions we take as a result – I call it your truth versus reality. Often the things we tell ourselves are founded in the beliefs we’ve learned across our lifetime. These are often...
Aug 14, 2019 | boundaries, choice, coaching, Emotions, resilient
How many of us were taught to set boundaries? What are boundaries and why do we need them? Some great questions, I’ll start with what boundaries are – because there are a few boundaries to learn about. Physical boundaries Possible the most recognised....
Jul 30, 2019 | anxiety, coaching, Depression, mental health, resilient, sports, support, teamwork
I am reflecting on the helping athletes succeed workshop last night and am so very grateful for all that attended and contributed to discussions, offered opinions and shared their coaching struggles when supporting athletes with mental illness. There are so few...
Jul 15, 2019 | anxiety, children, coaching, Depression, mental health, resilient, sports, teamwork
I recently wrote a post saying that 1 in 10 children live with a diagnosable mental health condition in the UK. A government research paper published new figures in Feb 19 of 1 in 8 children, this epidemic is not showing signs of slowing down or stopping any time...
Jul 14, 2019 | boundaries, choice, coaching, leader, mental health, resilient
We collect beliefs about life, relationships, ourselves, people, family, etc throughout our life but did you know that we can often have a belief but act in a contradicting way without knowing it?It doesn’t mean the belief is wrong, we may not have acknowledged...