Are you ok?

Are you ok?

‘are you okay?’ is a strange question. I think most of us have automatic responses – ‘yeah I’m fine’. It falls out of our mouths without a thought, the words themselves carry no meaning.  I think it’s a common experience we can relate to. Who has been...
A note to the Bully….

A note to the Bully….

A note to the bully who uses intimidation, physical threats and verbal abuse thinking people will respect you. You are misguided. Your actions inspire fear. No one likes fear, how can we like you?No one respects fear, how can we respect you?No one trusts fear, how can...
Other people’s words

Other people’s words

Have you ever noticed how people’s words come into your mind at weird times? Today the words and actions of someone from years ago entered my mind. In the situation, this person introduced everyone else by their name and job or qualification. When it came to my...

Suffering in Silence

Have you ever suffered pain and not let anyone know? As you have that discussion, the pain throbs in your body silently. The pain is so bad, you feel nauseous and are thinking about holding it together and focusing on the task you are doing. Your body is screaming at...