
Nothing to give

#choose to #giveback The world and the people in it haven’t always given me what I needed or wanted and for a while I had nothing to give. I became bitter while I struggled with depression, always asking why no one saw, helped or offered help. I needed help but...

Changing their lives

Managing anxiety is a short term solution for a long term problem. Being able to conquer it, you can understand where its come from and be able to get rid of it. Through using my coaching model, and completing my coaching programme I want to give parents, children and...

Life is about learning

For every child facing tests this summer… Do your best for you. Be happy with your effort and don’t worry about the results. Life is about learning from mistakes and failures on route to success. Life is full of mistakes, and lessons to be learned. Every...

To amazingly strong people!

Second session with a client to be told “you are helping me make sense of everything already” Old client feedback “You have been amazing and changed my life, i told the S.P.s they need you as part if their team” Disrupting negative patterns...


Trust came up again today as it often does. Yes, trust is easily broken and yes you can trust again. Listen to your instincts. Your instincts are there for protection and will let you know if you are in any emotional or physical danger. If only we taught kids to...